Programme Objectives
To transform the agricultural sector towards higher productivity, commercialization level and smallholder farmer income for improved livelihood, food security and nutrition.
Component 1: Sustainable Water & Land Use Management
Objective: Expanded sustainable water and land use management for crops, livestock and fisheries
Components Priority Investment Areas
- Land use planning and watershed management.
- Irrigation infrastructure development.
- Irrigation scheme management & operation.
- Water sources development for livestock & fisheries;
- Promote Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices.
Component 2: Enhanced Agricultural Productivity And Profitability
Objective: Increased productivity growth rate for commercial market-oriented agriculture for priority commodities
Components Priority Investment Areas
- Strengthening Agricultural extension, training and promotion/info services (crops, livestock and fisheries);
- Improvement Access to crops, livestock and fisheries inputs and health services;
- Research and development;
- Strengthening and promoting agricultural mechanization (crop, livestock and fisheries);
- Food and nutrition security
Component 3: Commercialization And Value Addition.
Objective: Improved & expanded rural marketing and value addition promoted by a thriving competitive private sector and effective farmer organizations
Components Priority Investment Areas
- Develop market access for all priority commodities;
- Develop market access for fisheries and livestock products;
- Development of processing and value addition for Crop, livestock and fishery products.
Component 4: Sector Enablers, Coordination And Mornitoring And Evaluation.
Objective: Strengthened institutions, enablers and coordination framework
Components Priority Investment Areas
- Policy and Regulatory Framework and Business Environment Improvement.
- Strengthening organizational and technical capacities of existing and new small scale producer, trade and processing farmer organizations and cooperatives movement.
- Promote and strengthen gender inclusiveness in the agricultural sector.
- Improve and strengthen vertical (from PO-RALG to RSs and LGAs) and horizontal coordination between ASLMs.
- Improved Capacity and agricultural data collection and management systems
- Management Capacities and Systems Improvement (vii) Develop Agricultural Sector M&E System
- Develop Agricultural Sector M&E System.
- Kuwezesha na kuimarisha uwezo wa utendaji wa shughu li za kilimo kwa watendaji wa sekta ya kilimo katika ngazi zote.
- Improvement of Capacity in all levels (ix) Improvement of ICT for Agricultural Information Services and Systems.
- Provide microfinance services.